Reception under Operational Program

OP started Science and education for smart growth 2014-2020Reception under Operational Program "Science and education for intelligent growth" 2014-2020 has started

Started the reception of project proposals under the two procedures of the operational program "Science and education for intelligent growth" 2014-2020 - BG05M20R001-3.001 "Support for pre-school education and preparation of disadvantaged children" and BG05M20P001-3.002 "Educational integration of students from ethnic minorities and / or seeking or received international protection."

The goal of the procedure "Support for pre-school education of disadvantaged children" is to help children from ethnic minorities and / or marginalized social groups / and from families, that are seeking or have already received international protection. The financial aid is in the amount of 100%, and the deadline for submission of project proposals (signed with КЕП, through the electronic system - Information System for Management and Monitoring 2020) is until 23:59 on 30.11.2015.

Procedure "Educational integration of students from ethnic minorities and / or seeking or received international protection" is aimed at students from ethnic minorities and / or if seeking or already received international protection. The funding is again 100% for activities in the support of their successful professional, social and creative realization. There are two deadlines for application - up until 30.11.2015 23:59, and until 23:59 29.04.2016 as projects will again be submitted through the electronic system - Information System for Management and Monitoring 2020.

Eligible candidates under both procedures are municipalities (or areas of the municipalities), legal entities with a non-profit goal for public benefit activities, kindergartens and municipal schools with preparatory classes, in accordance with the Education Law (only for the procedure "Support for pre-school education and preparation of disadvantaged children "), as well as schools in accordance with the Education Law (only for the procedure" Educational integration of students from ethnic minorities and / or seeking or received international protection ").

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