Additional resources for another 274 companies under procedure

Additional resources for another 274 companies under procedure "Improving Production Capacity in Small and Medium Enterprises'

Additional resource was provided amounting 141 million lev for another 274 project proposals from the reserve lists of the procedure “Improving Production Capacity in Small and Medium Enterprises” from the Operational Program “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014 – 2020 (OPIC).

Today the Minister of Economy Bozidar Lukarski at a press conference held in the Ministry of Economy explained that within the framework of the allowable resource for increase in the budget of the procedure can be financed project proposals that have successfully passed the assessment and have received more than 66 points. In the framework of the budget under the three deadlines for application were proposed for funding 484 project proposals worth nearly 260 million lev. Another 641 project proposals that have been rated successfully but the resources did not reach for are included in the reserve lists.

Under the first deadline for the procedure (for low-tech and medium-low technology industrial productions) for additional funding are proposed a total of 207 project proposals from the reserve list from which 117 are small enterprises and 90 are medium enterprises. 34 from these project proposals or 16,4% have a place of performance in Northwest Bulgaria.

On the second deadline for high-tech and medium high-tech industrial productions all approved projects have received funding within the framework of the originally planned budget and there is no reserve list for it.

On the third deadline of the procedure (for sectors “Knowledge Intensive Services”) a total of 67 projects are proposed for additional funding, as 37 are micro and 30 - small enterprises. Of them 48 or 71.6% are in Northwestern Bulgaria.

Minister Lukarski also stated that priority for funding from the remaining budged will be project proposals in the sector of high-tech and medium high-tech industrial productions

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