15 billion. Lev for Bulgaria or 23rd place in the absorption of EU funds15 billion lev for Bulgaria or 23rd place in the absorption of EU funds
Photography: thebureauinvestigates.com

15 billion lev for Bulgaria or 23rd place in the absorption of EU funds

During the eight years membership of Bulgaria in the EU, the country submitted to the Community budget - 6.2 billion lev and has received 20.9 billion lev. Ie - we earned 14.7 billion lev. This was said by bTV referring to a written reply from the Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov a deputy from GERB.

The funds are provided under EU cohesion and structural funds, the Program to support the implementation of the Schengen Agreement, the Program for rural development, fisheries and other EU programs.

In his response Minister Goranov explains that these figures express only the direct financial reflection and lists additional positive effects, such as the economic integration, the benefits associated with the internal market, the political stability and security.

According to a research of the general directorate "Regional Policy" for the first programming period 2007-2013, Bulgaria ranks in the 23rd place in the absorption of EU funds among the 28 member states. On the 22nd position before us with 72.8% absorption are Spain, then Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Croatia. In the top three places are Lithuania - with 93.7%, Portugal - 92.6% and Estonia - 92.3%, writes in “Сега”.

By data regarding the performance of the seven operational programs for February 10th 2015, our county has to certify before the European Commission expenses of almost 5 billion lev by the end of the year, in order not to continue to lose financial resources.

Source: investor.bg

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